C# でツリー構造のデータを使う

なんで .Net にツリー構造のコレクションがないんでしょうね?

TreeNode と TreeView は GUI 用。
Hierarchy は Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services 用。
TreeElement は Microsoft Docs で検索してもひっかからない。

私が探した範疇では .Net には見つかりませんでした。

C# でツリー構造を使うためのライブラリ

探したら NuGet でインストールして使えるパッケージを見つけました。

クラス名が Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient にある Hierarchy と被っててややこしいですが、別のものです。

Visual Studio > ツール > NuGet パッケージマネージャー > パッケージマネージャーコンソール を開いて
コンソールに Install-Package Hierarchy -Version 1.1.1 を入力すれば使えるようになります。

ノードの ID と、そのノードの親の ID を struct か class に定義して、それを List に突っ込み、ToHierarchy() か ToGraph() するだけです。

以下は https://github.com/Unskilledcrab/Hierarchy にあるサンプルコードをビルドが通るように手直ししたものです。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Hierarchy;

public class Person {
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int ParentId { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; } = "";
    public override string ToString() {
        return $"Person: {Id} '{Name}'";

class Test {
    static void Main() {
        List<Person> flatList = new() {
            new() { Id = 1, ParentId = 0, Name = "CEO" },
            new() { Id = 2, ParentId = 1, Name = "North America Operaror" },
            new() { Id = 3, ParentId = 1, Name = "South America Operator" },
            new() { Id = 12, ParentId = 3, Name = "Brazil Operator" },
            new() { Id = 10, ParentId = 1, Name = "Europe Operator" },
            new() { Id = 11, ParentId = 1, Name = "Africa Operator" },
            new() { Id = 4, ParentId = 0, Name = "CFO" },
            new() { Id = 5, ParentId = 4, Name = "Financial Manager" },
            new() { Id = 6, ParentId = 4, Name = "Financial Designer" },
            new() { Id = 7, ParentId = 4, Name = "Financial Senior Team Lead" },
            new() { Id = 14, ParentId = 7, Name = "Financial Project 2: Lead" },
            new() { Id = 13, ParentId = 7, Name = "Financial Project 1: Lead" },
            new() { Id = 15, ParentId = 13, Name = "Financial Project 1: Member 1" },
            new() { Id = 16, ParentId = 13, Name = "Financial Project 1: Member 2" },
            new() { Id = 17, ParentId = 13, Name = "Financial Project 1: Member 3" },
            new() { Id = 18, ParentId = 13, Name = "Financial Project 1: Member 4" },
            new() { Id = 19, ParentId = 14, Name = "Financial Project 2: Member 1" },
            new() { Id = 20, ParentId = 14, Name = "Financial Project 2: Member 2" },
            new() { Id = 21, ParentId = 14, Name = "Financial Project 2: Member 3" },
            new() { Id = 22, ParentId = 14, Name = "Financial Project 2: Member 4" },
            new() { Id = 23, ParentId = 22, Name = "Financial Project 2: Grunt 1" },
            new() { Id = 24, ParentId = 22, Name = "Financial Project 2: Grunt 2" },
            new() { Id = 25, ParentId = 22, Name = "Financial Project 2: Grunt 3" },
            new() { Id = 26, ParentId = 22, Name = "Financial Project 2: Grunt 4" },
            new() { Id = 27, ParentId = 26, Name = "Financial Project 2: Leaf 1" },
            new() { Id = 30, ParentId = 26, Name = "Financial Project 2: Leaf 4" },
            new() { Id = 28, ParentId = 26, Name = "Financial Project 2: Leaf 2" },
            new() { Id = 29, ParentId = 26, Name = "Financial Project 2: Leaf 3" },
            new() { Id = 8, ParentId = 4, Name = "Marketing Manager" },
            new() { Id = 9, ParentId = 0, Name = "COO" },

        // NOTE: You can order the incoming list before building the hierarchy 
        //       to make sure that your hierarchy is ordered
        //       the way you want it to be before presenting and traversing it
        var hierarchyList = flatList.OrderBy(f => f.Id).ToHierarchy(t => t.Id, t => t.ParentId);
        Console.WriteLine("We convert the flat list to a hierarchy");

        // NOTE: When you want to search through the entire tree, 
        //       you must start with the **AllNodes()** extension method 
        //       this will make sure you aren't performing linq operations just on the nodes at the top level
        var node = hierarchyList.AllNodes().First(n => n.Data.Id == 14);
        Console.WriteLine("We search through all nodes in the hierarchy for the one with this id");

        var siblingNodes = node.SiblingNodes();
        Console.WriteLine("We get all other nodes that are at the same level as this node");

        var childNodesBreadthFirst = node.DescendantNodes(TraversalType.BreadthFirst);
        Console.WriteLine("We get all descendant nodes of this node (Breadth First)");

        var childNodesDepthFirst = node.DescendantNodes(TraversalType.DepthFirst);
        Console.WriteLine("We get all descendant nodes of this node (Depth First)");

        var parentNodes = node.AncestorNodes();
        Console.WriteLine("We get all ancestor nodes of this node");

        var leafNodesBreadthFirst = node.LeafNodes(TraversalType.BreadthFirst);
        Console.WriteLine("We get all leaf nodes (descendant nodes that do not have childen) of this node (Breadth First)");

        var leafNodesDepthFirst = node.LeafNodes(TraversalType.DepthFirst);
        Console.WriteLine("We get all leaf nodes (descendant nodes that do not have childen) of this node (Depth First)");

        var rootNode = node.RootNode();
        Console.WriteLine("We get the top level node of this branch (the highest level ancestor)");

List を使っているので、Enumerator も使えますし、Linq にも対応してます。

ノード用のクラスは HierarhyNode と GraphNode の2種類ありますが、違いは HierarchyNode は親(parent)がひとつ、GraphNode は親を複数持つ点だけです。



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